
Here are photos of some of the SEARC activities.  Click on individual photos to see a larger version.

Installation of a new home for the repeater on Arch Cape (Onion Peak), funded by DHS through Clatsop County.  Click here for the photos.    

World Radio Day 2024 and National Maritime Day on the Lightship Columbia.  Click here for the lightship page, where the photos are.

Installation of the Flex Radio and two antennas, funded by a grant from the ARRL.  Click here for the photos.    

Wickiup work, several days, making a new roof, August-September 2023Click here for the photos.

Megler Work in 2023.  Click here for the photos.

Megler Field Trip in 2021. Click here for the photos

Field Day, June 2023
Click on a photo to see larger images


Readiness Fair at Camp Rilea, October 2022
Click on a photo to see larger images 


Nicolai maintenance trip, September 2022
CLICK HERE for information about this trip
Click on a photo to see larger images 

Most of today's "gang"From left to right:
Rob McBride, Jeff Johnson AG7JJ, Brad Mathews W7LOG, Rick Hudson (Cannon Beach Emergency Manager), Lora Van Nortwick KE7ZFQ, John McKinney KK7HAB, Matt Higgins KK7EJQ, Mike Gore KA7SGB, Dave Neys W7PDQ, Brian Wilson W6GKD, Julie Wilson
Missing: Anne McBride KK7ABK (took the photo), Frank VanWinkle AA1FV (who took me back to car early), Ellen Norris AA7EN

Replacement/ moving/realigning of antennas

By the way, here is what it looked like in 2011, taken by Jim Santee.  His comment:  “This is what Nicolai looked like the first time I visited. . . One can almost visualize this out of an old vampire movie. All sorts of interesting stuff going on here.”

Nicolai 2011

Solar installation part of the day’s projects


Other Photos


Wickiup maintenance trip, July 2022
Click on a photo to see larger images and the captions

Very cool 360 degree view from the top by Brian W6GKDBrian W6GKD 360 view from the top

2022 Field Day
Click on a photo to see larger images and the captions


Cannon Beach repeater installation, August 2021.  With many thanks to the City of Cannon Beach for funding this project and providing the bucket truck.


SEARC emergency mesh network communication link installation at Clatsop County EOC, July 2021

Images taken by AuxComm Communications Unit Leader (COML)  Mike Brumfield W5MMB.  Tower workers are Dave Neys W7PDQ and ____

2021 Field Day


Repair of the ice bridge and antennas on Megler mountain, March 2021

See more on this page.


Radio room on the Columbia Light Ship at the Maritime Museum, pre-COVID


Radio Resource class, pre-COVID

Radio Resource class
Class given usually a month or so after a new Technician licensing class so that new hams can get their questions answered about how to use their radios for fun, for emergency response, and for net login