Field Day, June 2023 Click on a photo to see larger images
Field Day 2023, in the overflow lot of the Astoria Column. Temps in the high 60's. Does it get any better than this?
Setting up. At the far left, the portable pole for the end of Frank's antenna wire, and then a vertical for the ICOM 705
One way to get the end of an antenna as high in the trees as possible
Center fed as high as we could get it this time.
Another way to get the end of an antenna up in the trees. This was for the end-fed antenna.
Setting up the end-fed antenna
SEARC Trustee, Ove, KI5BUG, organizer of the SEARC Field Day
Lots of visitors, as we were at the top of the trail to the Cathedral Tree
Contact made on the ICOM 705 using the center-fed antenna
One of two completely portable setups: the vertical antenna is in front of the blue car
Visitor Kat also had a completely portable setup, just down the hill a little from the tents.
Frank AA1FV used an antenna strung from the portable mast out in the field
Readiness Fair at Camp Rilea, October 2022 Click on a photo to see larger images
Dale K7FW and Bob KI7JWZ
Mary Jo KB7NJE showing the SEARC repeater site map
Go Bag for the Arch Cape EOC
Frank AA1FV Dale K7FW Ellen AA7EN Mary Jo KB7NJE
Ellen AA7EN and Richard K4JDI
Frank AA1FV
Nicolai maintenance trip, September 2022 CLICK HERE for information about this trip Click on a photo to see larger images
From left to right:
Rob McBride, Jeff Johnson AG7JJ, Brad Mathews W7LOG, Rick Hudson (Cannon Beach Emergency Manager), Lora Van Nortwick KE7ZFQ, John McKinney KK7HAB, Matt Higgins KK7EJQ, Mike Gore KA7SGB, Dave Neys W7PDQ, Brian Wilson W6GKD, Julie Wilson
Missing: Anne McBride KK7ABK (took the photo), Frank VanWinkle AA1FV (who took me back to car early), Ellen Norris AA7EN
Replacement/ moving/realigning of antennas
Discussion of tasks to be done today
Moving the bucket lift into place
Safety and some of ground crew
Lora and Dave getting ready to go up in the bucket
Lora and Dave, up about 50 feet
Storm damaged antenna removed
Anne goes up with Dave
Preparing a cable end
By the way, here is what it looked like in 2011, taken by Jim Santee. His comment: “This is what Nicolai looked like the first time I visited. . . One can almost visualize this out of an old vampire movie. All sorts of interesting stuff going on here.”
Nicolai 2011
Solar installation part of the day’s projects
First there were two
ready for the new ones
third one . . .
. . . fourth one
Then there were four
revisit 4 days later: a lot more bracing installed
Other Photos
How many hams does it take to open a gate?
Where it all starts and ends, power and radio waves
Even with overcast the view is incredible
On an almost clear day you can see . . . the Wickiup tower
Class on how to install the special ends on the network cables.
Revisit crew 4 days later: Finished bracing the solar panel frame, hooked new antenna to repeater, finished install of new cameras.
Dave W7PDQ; Justin, Clatsop Emergency Management; Rick, Cannon Beach Emergency Management; Mike KA7SGB; John KK7HAB
Wickiup maintenance trip, July 2022 Click on a photo to see larger images and the captions
Mike KA7SGB and Brad W7LOG
Dave W7PDQ in bucket, Frank AA1FV and Brad W7LOG
Dale K7FW and Mike KA7SGB
Dale and Dave
Getting the bucket close enough took several tries
ham shack repair, another goal of the weekend. Brian W6GKD
Ove KJ7BUG and Brian W6GKD
The expedition's official photographer is in there somewhere.
Prepping WIFI for underserved community
continued WIFI prep
Craig from Crescomm, Dave W7PDQ, Dale K7FW
mounting WIFI for underserved community
Sunday (second day) crew
Dave W7PDQ, Dale K7FW, Mike KA7SGB, Brad W7LOG
Cavity Filters, used in a 2 meter band repeater duplexer. Which is worth 2 points on the Amateur Extra exam.
Mt St Helens
Columbia river, Tongue Point
Seismic monitors
One goal of the weekend was to move this antenna from here --->
<--- to here!
another view from the top
Long-time SEARC member Mick W7CAT doing similar stuff at 10,000 feet under the wide blue Wyoming sky!
Radio room on the Columbia Light Ship at the Maritime Museum, pre-COVID
Neal KI7MCB and David KE7ZFP
Frank KF7NPC
Radio Resource class, pre-COVID
Class given usually a month or so after a new Technician licensing class so that new hams can get their questions answered about how to use their radios for fun, for emergency response, and for net login