SEARC’s mission is to design, install, and maintain a robust system of emergency communications in Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington; and to provide education about amateur radio. Created in 1931, SEARC is comprised of dedicated and proficient volunteers who, using technology that is not internet reliant, strive to live up to its anthem: We Connect Communities.
We appreciate your support of our mission to provide volunteer community service through our amateur radio hobby.
SEARC operates several critical radio repeater systems that provide communications throughout Clatsop and surrounding counties. This system requires ongoing maintenance and equipment to keep it operational and available for the community and as a backup to emergency communications of any public safety agency in need.
It is through donations and volunteer support that this system is able to operate.
Here are some ways you can support SEARC:
We welcome your Membership in our club of diverse like-minded individuals who enjoy our hobby and have a desire for public service.
Link your Fred Meyer card to “SEARC” using organization code UK836.
Contact our Board members about ways to become a Sponsor of the club through things like donations, discounts, provide equipment and resources to help us.
We always welcome your cash donation; any amount helps.
You can mail a check payable to SEARC to
PO Box 264
Astoria OR 97103
or make a credit card payment here: